Okay, so this post is not really about a movie or a story, but rather a movie star. This past weekend Comic-Con 2012 happened in San Diego. If you don’t already know, Comic-Con is an annual convention that showcases comic books, film, television, video games, and many other pop culture mediums. It’s geared mostly towards fans of sci-fi, fantasy, superheroes, and video games—in other words, geeks. There are panels, seminars, celebrities, previews of upcoming movies, games, and shows, and a whole lot more. It draws a crowd of more than 100,000 people every year. I’ve never been to one, but I’d love to go one year.
I did, however, read some of the news that came out of there, and I watched some of the footage on TV and online. One video in particular captured my attention: Robert Downey Jr. entering the convention hall for the Iron Man 3 presentation. See it for yourself below. Downey enters the room with the kind of style of glamour you’d expect of him or his counterpart, Tony Stark.
The only reason I wanted to bring this up was to wonder aloud about what this kind of fame must feel like. What is it like to walk into a room full of people who are all cheering for you and who would love the chance to give you a high-five? It has to feel completely out of this world, almost unreal. How does a person not let that go to his or head? I don’t know. I just know that these questions have been rattling in my brain space ever since watching this video a few hours ago, so I thought I’d share it.
For more information on the actual Iron Man 3 presentation you can click on over to Indiewire.com, where I read about it. There’s description of the movie footage they showed as well as bits of the discussion that took place.
Sources: Indiewire.com, sknr.net