It’s probably not shocking that the people behind the Spider-Man costume for the The Amazing Spider-Man came up with several designs before they settled on the one Andrew Garfield ended up wearing last summer. Now we finally get to see what Spider-Man’s alternate costumes would have looked like.
None of them look bad, but I think the costume they went with for the movie was the right choice. It’s not too busy, and it looks more like something a person without extensive design skills would create. Yet I do like the first costume in the series below. It reveals some webbing stretching from Spidey’s arms to his lower back and makes me curious about what the suit would look like in action.
For comparative purposes, see below for the suits that Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire wore. It’s funny how Maguire’s suit somehow seems dated to me now. It looks too bright, too neat. Whatever material was used for Garfield’s just looks sleeker and a little more bad-ass. Who knows though, maybe in 10 years (when they reboot the franchise again) whatever the current suit is will make Garfield’s get-up look quaint.
Sources: Slashfilm.com, FilmPaint.com