Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category

My Month With MoviePass: July 2013

Movie Pass Debit Card

Ah, here we are again. One month has ended, and another has begun. Time marches ever onward. August, we welcome you with open arms. You signify the near-end of 90 degree weather, the imminence of autumn with its wonderful holidays, as well as the end of another month spent with MoviePass. I bet you didn’t […]

The Hunt (Jagten)

The Hunt

  The Hunt is sad. The Hunt is frustrating. The Hunt will wring out all the joy from your heart, leaving you feeling powerless, achy, and depressed. Or at least that was my experience. The film tells the story of kindergarten teacher Lucas (played by Mads Mikkelsen) who is falsely accused of sexually abusing one […]

My Month With MoviePass: June 2013

Movie Pass Debit Card

Hey everybody. It’s July. Do you know what that means besides an absurd increase in the heat index? It means I’ve been a member of MoviePass for a month now. If you don’t know or don’t remember, MoviePass is a new service that allows you to see one movie a day at theaters for a […]

After Earth

  I live in fear. I’m afraid of feeling physical pain, my loved ones feeling any pain, dying (not death), clustered holes (unofficially known as trypophobia), being thought of as less than smart, and being thought of as less than a man. These fears dictate many of the decisions I make on a daily basis. […]

The Bling Ring

  Imagine this: you’re house-sitting for a friend of a friend, someone you’re familiar with but don’t really know. This person is gone for a week and you have the keys to her house and you’re watering her plants and feeding her dog and leaving a light on so it looks like someone is home. […]

This Is the End

  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If I could be friends with any celebrity, I’d be friends with Seth Rogen. He seems so down-to-earth and laid back. I think it would be really easy to get along with him. We’d have some good laughs and some fun conversations. Our banter would […]

Fast & Furious 6

Fast & Furious 6

  Fast & Furious 6 caught me off guard. For starters I had no intention of seeing it when I did. My buddy John and I had gone to the theater to see an advance screening of After Earth. Unfortunately we got there too late, and all the first-come-first-served seats had been completely served. So […]