Archive for the ‘Movie Reviews’ Category

Oz the Great and Powerful

If the first Wizard of Oz film was all just Dorothy’s dream, how do you then have a prequel that explains the wizard’s arrival to Oz? Was it not a dream? Is the prequel just another one of Dorothy’s dreams, maybe on the very next night, her subconscious feeling a need to color in the […]

What I’m Watching At Home: V/H/S

Viewed on March 2, 2013 via Netflix Streaming I’m slowly making my way through the movies of 2012 that I was unable to see at theaters. I saw Compliance in February, and now I’ve seen V/H/S. (See the other movies I missed in 2012 here.) What originally appealed to me about V/H/S was that it […]

What I’m Watching At Home: Lolita

Viewed on February 23, 2013 via Stanley Kubrick: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set Stanley Kubrick and I haven’t had the greatest relationship. I didn’t understand 2001: A Space Odyssey. I didn’t like the characters or the setting of A Clockwork Orange, and I found the language of that world to be a major hurdle. As […]

What I’m Watching At Home: Battle Royale

Viewed on February 9, 2013 via Netflix Streaming (Buy Battle Royale) I didn’t follow this movie as closely as I would have liked. I had a hyperactive four-year-old nephew sitting on my lap for most of it. Luckily it wasn’t a movie that I needed to follow closely (though it probably would have helped). The […]

What I’m Watching at Home: Compliance

Viewed on February 2, 2013 via Netflix DVD The events that transpire in Compliance are so infuriatingly unbelievable that if you didn’t know the movie was based on a true story, you’d probably shout “Oh come on!” at your TV and then stop watching it. I’ve heard that that was a fairly common reaction when […]

What I’m Watching at Home: American Reunion

Viewed on January 18, 2013 on HBO On Demand This is the fourth film in the American Pie franchise (the eighth film if you count the four straight to DVD spin-offs), and it’s pretty much what I expected it to be: callbacks to earlier moments in the franchise, crude jokes, embarrassing sexual situations, the Stiffmeister, and […]

A Second Look at 2012

All right, it’s 2013. Has been for almost a month now, which means it’s time for a second look at the movies of 2012. If you’re new to the site, I write these “Second Look At” articles to discuss the past year’s movies that I plan to rewatch. They may not be the best movies […]