Archive for the ‘Movie Buzz’ Category

With Timur Bekmambetov Chosen to Direct, ‘Heatseekers’ is Almost Here

I read the script for Heatseekers back in 2010, when a screenwriting teacher of mine praised it as an example of a movie script that described action well. Written by George Mahaffey, it’s about an ex-military pilot that infiltrates a group of aerial pirates. It was a notable script because it was one of the few […]

What I Learned Today – December 17, 2012

Now I haven’t taken a physics class since high school, so forgive me if I come across as an idiot, but I think I remember reading that if you combine 1.5 Hrs of Zombies with Equal Doses of both John C. Reilly and Aubrey Plaza, you will get Comedy Gold. Correction, Potential Comedy Gold. We have […]

Oh No, They Took My Idea

This past November I wanted to participate in NaNoWriMo, an annual month-long attempt for novelists to complete a draft of a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. It began in 1999 with just 21 aspiring novelists who “didn’t have anything better to do” and who just “wanted to make noise.” They wrote and partied together […]

What I Learned Today – November 9, 2012

  Until they actually announce the next director for the post George Lucas Star Wars movies, there’s going to be a lot of fun but pointless speculation and rumors. One rumored director is Matthew Vaughn. He directed Layer Cake and wrote and directed Stardust, Kick-Ass, and X-Men: First Class. I enjoyed Kick-Ass a whole lot, […]

What I Learned Today – October 5, 2012

Taken 2 has less action than the first, has a thin plot, contains frenzied camerawork, includes poor representations of Muslims, and takes itself too seriously, according to one review. I enjoyed the first film, but didn’t love it as much as others seemed to. It had fun fight scenes and that was about it. I’ll […]

What I Learned Today – October 4, 2012

The phrase for today is team up.     Zak Penn, the guy who wrote X-men: The Last Stand (blecht!) and The Incredible Hulk (eh), is teaming up with lead writer of The Fast and the Furious franchise (meh), Chris Morgan, to create a movie that described as “an action film in the vein of […]

Joss Whedon and Marvel Taking Relationship to Next Stage reports that Joss Whedon will (wait for it… wait for it…) write and direct The Avengers sequel. Not a huge surprise there given the massive success of Avengers, but still it’s good to know that the next installment will be in good hands. Marvel and Disney (which owns Marvel) trust Joss’s hands so much that they’ve […]