Archive for the ‘Movie Buzz’ Category

The Hobbit: A Trilogy?

So it looks like Peter Jackson is in talks with his producing partners and Warner Bros. to add a third film to The Hobbit franchise. He’s already turned the fairly short book into two films with the first film, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, to be released December 2012 and the second film, The Hobbit: There […]

Robert Downey Jr.’s Comic-Con 2012 Entrance

Okay, so this post is not really about a movie or a story, but rather a movie star. This past weekend Comic-Con 2012 happened in San Diego. If you don’t already know, Comic-Con is an annual convention that showcases comic books, film, television, video games, and many other pop culture mediums. It’s geared mostly towards […]

Man of Steel Poster

Thanks to Comic-Con 2012, we get to see a new teaser poster out for The Man of Steel, scheduled to come out in 2013. See for yourself below.   It definitely has me excited about the next Superman movie, though I’m not crazy about the suit. Something about it looks uncomfortable. Maybe it’s that beaded, chain-mailish […]

Jason Bateman to Direct First Feature Film

There are some actors who come off as really likeable no matter what roles they play. They’re people who I think would be cool to hang out with in real life. They include Jason Bateman, Paul Rudd, Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, Amy Poehler, Will Smith, and Elizabeth Banks. These are people I will support in […]

Michael Bay’s The Dark Knight Script

Do you ever sit and wonder what it would be like if the greatest comic book movie ever, The Dark Knight, had been directed by Michael Bay? I do. Every night. Would there have been more explosions, more boobies, more explosions, more CGI, more explosions? Who knows! These questions have been driving me insane since 2008 […]

Where there’s a script, there’s a way

Thank Hollywood, we are soooo close to a third Bill and Ted movie. Both Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter have both confirmed that there is a script, Keanu in an interview with the UK’s The Independent (“Yeah, we have a script. […] We’re trying to put it together. It’s a good script too.” ) and Alex Winter […]