Man of Steel Poster

Thanks to Comic-Con 2012, we get to see a new teaser poster out for The Man of Steel, scheduled to come out in 2013. See for yourself below.


It definitely has me excited about the next Superman movie, though I’m not crazy about the suit. Something about it looks uncomfortable. Maybe it’s that beaded, chain-mailish texture of it. It looks kind of plasticky too. A superhero’s suit should look comfortable or else it takes away some of the believability of the whole thing. Why that is, I’m not sure, especially when I know that the entire concept is unbelievable, but so be it. I want Superman’s costume to look like something someone could fight in fairly comfortably.

The costume that Brandon Routh wore in 2013’s Superman Returns looks a lot better to me. See below:


Now that’s something you could kick butt in. But I’m not going to judge Man of Steel based on the costume. I’m excited for it even though I have mixed feelings about the body of work that Zack Snyder has produced in the past. He directed 300 which I thought was just okay. I didn’t like Watchmen at all. I liked Sucker Punch, but I’m one of a handful of people that did. Still, I’m going to go into this hoping for the best. It seems like Zack is preparing to show us something new and interesting about this Superman. I can’t wait!

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