What I’m Watching at Home: Patrik, Age 1.5

Viewed on January 5, 2013 on Netflix Streaming Göran and Sven are newlyweds. They’ve just moved into a new house in a new neighborhood, and they’d like a new addition to their family, but because they’re gay they’re pretty much at the bottom of the list to get a baby. This is how the system […]

With Timur Bekmambetov Chosen to Direct, ‘Heatseekers’ is Almost Here

I read the script for Heatseekers back in 2010, when a screenwriting teacher of mine praised it as an example of a movie script that described action well. Written by George Mahaffey, it’s about an ex-military pilot that infiltrates a group of aerial pirates. It was a notable script because it was one of the few […]

What I’m Watching at Home: The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)

Viewed on January 3, 2013 on Netflix Streaming Could have used a little more violence. That is something no one will ever say about The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) unless they find sarcasm the height of hilarity or maybe if they’re a sociopath. This movie is brutal! There aren’t many horror films that can make me turn away in actual horror, […]

Gangster Squad

  If you’ve seen the trailers for Gangster Squad, then you pretty much know what to expect. Mickey Cohen (played by Sean Penn) is a mob king pin in 1940’s Los Angeles. He has a monopoly on the drug, guns, and prostitute supply out there, and now he’s trying to take over the wire betting […]

What I’m Watching at Home: Shame

Viewed on January 2, 2013 on Netflix DVD So continuing with the theme of addiction, Shame is about a guy dealing with sex addiction. This is one of the movies I wanted to see in theaters when it first came out in 2011, but I missed it. Now that I’ve finally caught it, I wish I had […]

What I’m Watching at Home: Half Nelson

  Viewed on December 30, 2012 on Netflix Streaming My girlfriend loves Ryan Gosling (I’m sure I’m not the first man to say those words). Her favorite movie of all time is 2011’s Drive. So, in the mood for a Gosling movie, she suggested Half Nelson. In it, Gosling plays Dan Dunne, a middle school teacher in a […]

What I’m Watching at Home: Brick

Viewed on December 29, 2012 on Netflix Streaming I started watching this movie a couple of years ago. It was late at night, and by late I mean the sun was coming up. Too late for my brain to follow the odd anachronistic dialogue, but I was intrigued and always knew I’d finish it someday. Well […]