What I’m Watching at Home: Punch-Drunk Love

Viewed on December 22, 2012 on Netflix Streaming This was my third time watching this movie, and it’s still just as entertaining as the first time. Easily my favorite Adam Sandler movie. He’s played the troubled simpleton before, but never so interestingly. I’m actually invested in this character and would want to follow his life […]

What I’m Watching at Home: Sound of My Voice

Viewed on December 15, 2012 on Netflix DVD Such an interesting premise. A couple successfully manages to get themselves ingratiated with a cult, their goal to create a documentary that exposes the leader as a fraud. The cult is led by a twenty-something year old Maggie (played by Brit Marling). Maggie claims to be from the […]

What I Learned Today – December 17, 2012

Now I haven’t taken a physics class since high school, so forgive me if I come across as an idiot, but I think I remember reading that if you combine 1.5 Hrs of Zombies with Equal Doses of both John C. Reilly and Aubrey Plaza, you will get Comedy Gold. Correction, Potential Comedy Gold. We have […]


What’s it about? “A pair of aging con men try to get the old gang back together for one last hurrah before one of the guys takes his last assignment — to kill his comrade.” —IMDB Who made it? Director: Fisher Stevens. Writer: Noah Haidle. Who’s in it? Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, Alan Arkin, Julianna Margulies. When’s it […]

Oh No, They Took My Idea

This past November I wanted to participate in NaNoWriMo, an annual month-long attempt for novelists to complete a draft of a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. It began in 1999 with just 21 aspiring novelists who “didn’t have anything better to do” and who just “wanted to make noise.” They wrote and partied together […]

Life of Pi

I’m going to try to be even-keeled here. I want to start this review with thunderous exclamations of how much I loved Life of Pi, about what a magical feat of story-telling this is,  about how beautifully it was filmed, about how much it touched me. I don’t want to look for flaws. I don’t want […]

Wreck-It Ralph

When you were a kid and you’d go to the local arcade, did you ever stop to wonder what the video game characters did after you finished playing the game? Probably not, unless of course you were a particularly imaginative kid. You probably just assumed they did nothing because they weren’t thinking beings possessing their […]