Posts Tagged ‘drama’

The Hunt (Jagten)

The Hunt

  The Hunt is sad. The Hunt is frustrating. The Hunt will wring out all the joy from your heart, leaving you feeling powerless, achy, and depressed. Or at least that was my experience. The film tells the story of kindergarten teacher Lucas (played by Mads Mikkelsen) who is falsely accused of sexually abusing one […]

What I’m Watching At Home: Lolita

Viewed on February 23, 2013 via Stanley Kubrick: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set Stanley Kubrick and I haven’t had the greatest relationship. I didn’t understand 2001: A Space Odyssey. I didn’t like the characters or the setting of A Clockwork Orange, and I found the language of that world to be a major hurdle. As […]

What I’m Watching at Home: Compliance

Viewed on February 2, 2013 via Netflix DVD The events that transpire in Compliance are so infuriatingly unbelievable that if you didn’t know the movie was based on a true story, you’d probably shout “Oh come on!” at your TV and then stop watching it. I’ve heard that that was a fairly common reaction when […]

Gangster Squad

  If you’ve seen the trailers for Gangster Squad, then you pretty much know what to expect. Mickey Cohen (played by Sean Penn) is a mob king pin in 1940’s Los Angeles. He has a monopoly on the drug, guns, and prostitute supply out there, and now he’s trying to take over the wire betting […]

What I’m Watching at Home: Shame

Viewed on January 2, 2013 on Netflix DVD So continuing with the theme of addiction, Shame is about a guy dealing with sex addiction. This is one of the movies I wanted to see in theaters when it first came out in 2011, but I missed it. Now that I’ve finally caught it, I wish I had […]

What I’m Watching at Home: Half Nelson

  Viewed on December 30, 2012 on Netflix Streaming My girlfriend loves Ryan Gosling (I’m sure I’m not the first man to say those words). Her favorite movie of all time is 2011’s Drive. So, in the mood for a Gosling movie, she suggested Half Nelson. In it, Gosling plays Dan Dunne, a middle school teacher in a […]

Life of Pi

I’m going to try to be even-keeled here. I want to start this review with thunderous exclamations of how much I loved Life of Pi, about what a magical feat of story-telling this is,  about how beautifully it was filmed, about how much it touched me. I don’t want to look for flaws. I don’t want […]