Posts Tagged ‘Jonah Hill’

The Wolf of Wall Street (The Long and Short of It)

The Wolf of Wall Street

  Leonardo DiCaprio plays Wall Street heavy hitter Jordan Belfort in this Martin Scorsese-directed biopic. Under the tutelage of Matthew McConaughey’s Mark Hanna, Jordan, a man from humble-beginnings, quickly learns how to talk his clients into buying just about any stock he wants them to buy, even the worthless ones. When he loses his job […]

This Is the End

  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If I could be friends with any celebrity, I’d be friends with Seth Rogen. He seems so down-to-earth and laid back. I think it would be really easy to get along with him. We’d have some good laughs and some fun conversations. Our banter would […]

The Watch (A Small Review)

What’s it about? When a murder takes place in the suburbs of Glenview, Illinois, local do-gooder Evan Troutwig (played by Ben Stiller) starts a neighborhood watch to find the killer and protect his fellow citizens. He’s joined by three neighbors. There’s Bob (played by Vince Vaughn). He’s just your average suburbanite, married with a kid. […]