Posts Tagged ‘Leonardo DiCaprio’

The Wolf of Wall Street (The Long and Short of It)

The Wolf of Wall Street

  Leonardo DiCaprio plays Wall Street heavy hitter Jordan Belfort in this Martin Scorsese-directed biopic. Under the tutelage of Matthew McConaughey’s Mark Hanna, Jordan, a man from humble-beginnings, quickly learns how to talk his clients into buying just about any stock he wants them to buy, even the worthless ones. When he loses his job […]

What I’m Watching At Home: Inception

Viewed on March 2, 2013 on TNT I forgot just how brilliant this movie is. This was my fourth viewing of Inception, and I swear it just keeps getting better. Christopher Nolan is so damned good at crafting a damned interesting story. Damn. I’m just amazed at how he was able to come up with […]

A Second Look at 2012

All right, it’s 2013. Has been for almost a month now, which means it’s time for a second look at the movies of 2012. If you’re new to the site, I write these “Second Look At” articles to discuss the past year’s movies that I plan to rewatch. They may not be the best movies […]

What I Learned Today – October 4, 2012

The phrase for today is team up.     Zak Penn, the guy who wrote X-men: The Last Stand (blecht!) and The Incredible Hulk (eh), is teaming up with lead writer of The Fast and the Furious franchise (meh), Chris Morgan, to create a movie that described as “an action film in the vein of […]