Posts Tagged ‘movie review’


  This past weekend I had planned on seeing a movie called The Wall (Die Wand in German) as part of FilmFest DC 2013, Washington DC’s annual celebration of foreign films. It was about a woman who finds herself cut off from civilization when an invisible wall suddenly surrounds her as she’s hiking through the […]

What I’m Watching At Home: Lolita

Viewed on February 23, 2013 via Stanley Kubrick: The Essential Collection DVD Box Set Stanley Kubrick and I haven’t had the greatest relationship. I didn’t understand 2001: A Space Odyssey. I didn’t like the characters or the setting of A Clockwork Orange, and I found the language of that world to be a major hurdle. As […]

The Sessions

You might not know the story of Mark O’Brien. I didn’t. He was a poet and a journalist, and as a child he had polio. It left him unable to move any part of his body below the neck. He still had feeling in all of his body; his muscles just didn’t work properly, which […]

Red Hook Summer

It’s summer vacation for thirteen-year-old Silas Royale (played by Jules Brown), or Flik as he likes to be called, and instead of spending it at his house with his friends in Atlanta, he gets dumped by his mother at his grandfather’s two bedroom apartment in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. We’re never […]

Premium Rush (A Small Review)

What’s it about? Wilee (yes, like the coyote) is a New York bike messenger. He rides a fixed gear bike, and he doesn’t have any brakes because without brakes he has to be alert at all times. When he approaches an intersection at breakneck speed, as he’s wont to do, he can’t simply stop; he […]

The Watch (A Small Review)

What’s it about? When a murder takes place in the suburbs of Glenview, Illinois, local do-gooder Evan Troutwig (played by Ben Stiller) starts a neighborhood watch to find the killer and protect his fellow citizens. He’s joined by three neighbors. There’s Bob (played by Vince Vaughn). He’s just your average suburbanite, married with a kid. […]

The Amazing Spider-Man

Early ads for The Amazing Spider-Man claimed that we were going to get “the untold story” this time. It was a major selling point and important one too since we were all wondering how this movie was going to be different from director Sam Raimi’s 2002 Spiderman movie (which I will refer to as Spiderman: Original […]