Posts Tagged ‘The World’s End’

My Month With MoviePass: September 2013

My Month With MoviePass - November 2013

I don’t remember when my dad began regularly taking me to movies. My earliest movie memory dates back to 1990, when we saw Dick Tracy at the Loews Cineplex Cinema 5 in Fresh Meadows, NY. I would have been seven years old then. The reason I probably remember that is because my mom came with […]

The World’s End is here! The World’s End is here!

Or at the least the trailer is. I just watched it and am considerably geeked out. It looks great, right in line with the kind of work that Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have brought us in the past. I’m talking about 2004’s Shaun of the Dead and 2007’s Hot Fuzz. I loved both movies for bending genres […]