Posts Tagged ‘Willem Dafoe’

New Poster Released for Wes Anderson’s Grand Budapest Hotel

Everyone loves Wes Anderson, right? He wrote and directed Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Darjeeling Limited, and Moonrise Kingdom. Not a dud in the bunch. So when he has new movie coming out, we anticipate it with rapt enthusiasm, so much so that we get excited when […]

Fun New Ad Campaign for Lars von Trier’s Nymphomaniac

Director, writer, auteur, Lars von Trier is known for his unique style of filmmaking: Dogville, Antichrist, and Melancholia. You see one of his movies and you know you’re in for something unlike most of the films flooding theaters. His new film, Nymphomaniac, looks to be right at home nestled inside von Trier’s filmography. Nymphomaniac is the […]