What I Learned Today – December 17, 2012

John C. Reilly

Aubrey Plaza

Now I haven’t taken a physics class since high school, so forgive me if I come across as an idiot, but I think I remember reading that if you combine 1.5 Hrs of Zombies with Equal Doses of both John C. Reilly and Aubrey Plaza, you will get Comedy Gold. Correction, Potential Comedy Gold. We have to take into account the writer/director variables. In this case, both variables are equal to Jeff Baena, writer of I Heart Huckabees.

In my opinion this is a very unpredictable variable because I Heart Huckabees did not even come close to being gold or even bronze, but it’s an old physics adage that unstable variables gain stability and solidity over time, and Jeff Baena has had 8 years to become solid. So we’ll see what this mixture produces. The movie is called Life After Beth. Comedy Gold! (Hopefully.)

Sources: PunchDrunkCritics

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