What I’m Watching

If you know anything about me, you know I love watching movies. What you may not know is that I like making lists: to-do lists, lists of goals, lists of books I’ve read, lists of bands it would be fun to sing at karaoke. In college I used to document every bit of change I ever found on the street. My goal was to see how much loose change I found over the course of my life. In junior high school I used to write down the serial number of every dollar that came into my possession, the goal there being to see if I ever handled the same piece of cash twice. I didn’t maintain either list for very long, but there was something fun in documenting my experiences, seeing them organized neatly on a screen or on paper, and watching the list grow slowly but surely.
Nowadays I guess you could say I collect movies, as in the actual experiences of watching them, not so much the physical copies of them (though I do like being able to hold a DVD in my hand). So it just makes sense to document all of the movies I watch in a list. For the ones I review, there will be a link leading to that review. Click on the movie title to go to its IMDB page. Enjoy.
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What I’m Watching in 2014
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