Where there’s a script, there’s a way

Thank Hollywood, we are soooo close to a third Bill and Ted movie. Both Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter have both confirmed that there is a script, Keanu in an interview with the UK’s The Independent (“Yeah, we have a script. […] We’re trying to put it together. It’s a good script too.” ) and Alex Winter on twitter (“-Script done? Check. -We love it? Check. -Green light? Working on it!”) I can already see air guitar sales increasing. Non-heinous!

I was a huge fan of the first two movies. Reeves has been one of my favorite actors since then. I’ve followed his career and have rarely been disappointed. (Yeah he did Johnny Mnemonic, but then he also did The Matrix, so big deal. Let’s move on.) I’m hoping for the best with this third Bill and Ted movie. I’ll try not to expect too much though. I mean it has been 21 years since the second movie came out. Winter and Reeves have gotten older, and I can imagine it being kind of cheesy seeing them re-inhabit their loveable airhead characters. I have no idea what Bill and Ted would even be like in their 40’s. They’d have had to matured somewhat right? Will they still be as endearing and funny as adults? It’s possible. There’s still something youthful looking about the two of them.





In an interview with MTV News, Winter addressed the very issue of how time has passed, and his response is quite encouraging. He states:

“It felt timely. Funnily enough, it felt better because so much time had gone by. What would it be like to revisit those guys now? From a comedy standpoint, it felt kind of cool to revisit two galvanized comic characters a chunk of time later, [exploring] what you can do with that from a comedy perspective.”

Regarding what the movie will be about, he had this to say:

“What’s happened to rock and roll in the last 20 years? The movie’s going to get in and play with some of that stuff. Where is rock? Where are we? What’s happened to the whole idea of saving the world — or what hasn’t happened? There’s a lot to play with there.”

I won’t say I’m really intrigued by the idea of them exploring what’s happened to rock and roll. To me the movies were more about the adventure or the journey. The music was just a bonus. So I’m hoping there’s still some sort of epic voyage or triumphant quest.

It’s at least good to hear that Winter and Reeves are apparently having an easy time inhabiting their old characters.

“It’s really sad how easy it was [to get back into character]. You go away and do all this other stuff and go, ‘I’m not Bill, that’s absurd!’ … And then me and Reeves got together, and suddenly we’re the characters again. We didn’t even mean to. We just started riffing on it. When we were doing notes and me and Reeves started riffing on the dialogue, it’s just, oh my god. Yeah, it’s in there. God knows .”

I couldn’t be more psyched. Sure there’s still a chance that it won’t be green  lit, and there’s a chance it’ll blow, but I am so ready to revisit the Wyld Stallyns and the princesses… and the time travel… and Missy… and… and… SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES!


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